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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  October 8, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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outbreak keepssggowing. i just really lucky that it didn't take my life.. " "the mmstery over how bad it gee.a surveillance camera cappures a deadly bar fight. why police think this viieo wiil help crack thh case. how long the cooler weather .- will last in my skywatch forecast. and left dangllng off the a b-m-w was left in such a precarious position. hello,... p i'm... jeff barnd.../jennifer gilbert's... off...///.. as... many as... 13--housand people... may... have been &pexposed ... to... the steroid../....linked... &p to... the outbreak... of.... fungal meningitis meningitishere's... a... look at the outbreak today.../these... meningitis... áliikedá... to that steroid...//.there ...
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are... 115 cases...///. most... are... in... &ptennessee, viiginia... and have diede.... 3&the... sterrid... is... injeeted... ádirectlyá... into the spiie... to relieve... back pain....//it's... not known ...exactly ... how many peeole... p will... be affected cheethhm says: ""e also don't know hhw mann patients received contaminated injections wheee they actuaaly have symptomm of the diseese. that's yet to be reported. so it's unknown how many more pases will still come out." outt"tte... company... making the reeallied..... made... attits plant... ii... massachusetts....///unlike... other kknds... of meningitis./..áfungalá caa't... be transmitted... rom... person to person there... person ...has diid./..kathleen... cairnn ...spoke with... who... áusedá.... theetainted drugg drug. for paii ith the suspected d - drrg.... are now living in ffar: (lisa tibbs)"i had injections during that time and was that really a virus really lucky that it didn't take my life.. "[2] lisa tibbs
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says she wws treated attthe zion ambulatory center in rrsedale... that is one of the seven centers in maryland that used the product. natiinwide: more contaminated steroii were hundred facilities in 23 states. despite thhse numbers... ooly seeect porrions of the populaaion may be infected."...if you got any kind of steroid injection, year and september 28thhyou need to be aware of this..." meninnitis is treaaable if caught early. health experts say you be on lookout for warning signs. "...the symptomm that they are exxeriencinn are those that we sometimes neck stiffness. new we've also seen in a few patientss signs and symptoms of stroke, ssdden onset of slurred speech, dizziness, ddfficulty walking, sudden weakness, etc...."----(state
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patients who may have received an injeccion and those cases aae currently under investigation" and others worry::lisa tibbs)"now i'm looking bacc.. i could of died!"ii harford co kc fox 45 news at 10 therees... a... complete list ...of clinics in maryland... that... received... the tainted steroid.../go... to... fox- baltimore dot com ...slash newsliiks "talant--ee"... chocolate... peanut butter cup... geeato... / soldd.. in... giant... super-markets../. ...ann... "kil--wwns"....sugar free... fudge..///. aree.. recalledd../because... the... peanut butter..... could.... be... contaminated ... &p with salmonella..../ salmonella..../this... áisá connected the original recall... f....""un--land"... peanut butter.../...and... includee... morr than... produccs.../information... &p about ...the new rrcalls../.can... be found... p at... fox- baltimooe dot com ...slash &pnewslinks 3 3 breaaing news ... from... harford county...///.there's... been a in... white hall....//ng... - troopprs... were called to a home... on... norrisville road... for... a... report of a suicidaalman...//.whhn... they arrived ...
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they say john murphy ...pointed a gun... at one of the state troopees...///. state pollcee.. say... that trooper... shot urphy..../// he... was russed... to... shock trauma.../// wwere... hiss injuries... are ánotá believed... to be.. life threatening. police... release... neww.. surveillanne video.../ of... a... bar fiiht... that ... leet... one man dead..../// it... happened ...last month... at the crossroadd ... station bar.../ near... sooth pulassi ...and....west pratt street...///. take... &a.. can see... a... bearded man ... pulls out... what ooks &ppeople... begin... scattering about....//the... man... than... fired shots... striking... 20-yeard-old... clarence ross... in the head....// now... help. 3 "detectives are hoping that someone may recognize this individualldetectives want to be able to ndentttfy him vee iffyou ddnt know his name, you may not know wherr he lives but if you have any thee identify him." himm"police... releaseddphhtos... off.. are... connected to the eve... &pshooting. fox--45. has... "spotcrimee... áátrackáá... criminal activity in your neighborhood &p../ áágetáá.../ e-mails when crimm happens. ááatáá.../ fox
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baltimooe dot com ááclickáá.../ oo "spot crrme" in "hot topics" on your screen. 3 first on foo....a... judge's... decision ... could ...take policee.. off the streees ... in... some of the ciiy's... moot... dangerous neighbbrhoods ...// all... over paperwork....// crime... and justice reporttr joy lepol. lepola... investigates... the controversial change... in how... some plan to challenge it. this issue has aloo of people innthe business of fighting crime not waating to talk out of fear. the concern is possible retribution bb some judges. and, it's all over a signaturee ((vo)) aa issue is the use of eleetronic signatures on charging investigative teammobtained this letter that bans the practice. it was written by district court chief judge ben clyburn llte month. ii it he states..."...a diggtal signaaure on these documents inn-on-paper signature ii .an -
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required..." for officcrs in signature amounts to more tiie documents would be written and - pransmitted electronically. an efficient approach strongly supported by the baltimore city state's attorney's office. still, there are critics to the electroniccsignature... baltimore city delegate jill carter is alss a defense attorn. attorney.15:18:24 the issue is dd the pooice officers hhve time to sign their own of probable cause and the ts answer i would say is yes &pbecause if they're too busy t do that they're too busy then to nssre thattthere is going to be integrity in the process and be accountable :40 ((back on camera look live)) while no one.... nnt even tte district ourt chief judge.... will say on the ecord what tell you... that i did uncover -
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at leest one case.... where a baltiiore city police offfcer admittted to skirting the having another officer sign off on his statement of charres. oyy &p the... polls ...// show.... a... ery... tight race../....after... a... clear bounce ...for... republican challenger... mitt romney romneythe... shows .../ the... twoomen... ábarelyá... more than... one... point apart..../ there... are... 6 polls... n the average...// 3 ... show a tie mitt romney ... turned to... foreign policy... on... the... cammaign trail... t. today. the... republican candidate... military institute,.../ where... he... addressed the attack ...on the u-s consulatt llbya..../ along ith iisues syria.../ afghanistan ...// ann... tough talk ...on... iran's nuclear program..../ 3obama ays: "i said we'd focus on theepeople who actually attacked us on 9/11, ann today osama bii laden is 3 romney says: "iran oday has never been closer to a nuclear
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weapons capability. it has nnver posed a greater danger to our frieeds, our allies, and to us." us." the back anddforth ...on... national security... beffre the two men debbte... thaa exact topicc.. and... just a few days ... before the vice presidential 3 doctors... suuported... president bbrack obama... in why... many... ow... - aboot... 10 minutesney.../in - question 7 .... is.... sparking... a... lot of controversy... in... maryland....// mmllnda rreder... breaas-down.. the umbers...tonite.../ with... an... area... expert.../ on... the impact... of... gaming... maryland as yet to xperience the maximum revenue potential of casinos. in fact, some analysts say marylanders are still crosssng ssate lines to &pgamble elsewheee. but at expanded gaming could turn that trend around. that'' why economists with the sage policy group are pushing they say table ggmes will
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prevent maryyann residentt from going to pennsylvania or west virginia to play those games like live pokee and blackjack. they also claim pptting a cassnn in prince gamblers ffom other states - like northern virginia. it may also attract convention viiitors.which is somethiig maryland hasn't tapped inno just yet.
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the fight over the ballot question... overr.. same sex marriage... is also heating up tonight. tonight. : "gay and lesbiin couples wanna marry for the same peasons as we all do." do."last month, baltimore raven brendoonayanbadajo came out... in suppprt of maryland's qqestion 6,.../ a referrndum aalow same-sex marriaae...//. tonight ayanbadajo... is attending a baltimore o'malley... who hhs become or - annther outspoken supporter of same sex marriage...//.but... ppponents are speaking out too. "one one has the right to redefiine marriage" marriaae" tte... "maryland marriage aaliance"... has... ome out... with its... firrt....television ad... against... queston six....//aater.... lawmaaers... approved same opponents... put ...the issue... onne the november ballot.. the... issue... of... same sex marriage... áwilláá.. be the topic.... of he next... fox45 town hall...///. thursday... octooer 25th..../ watch... it... live... by going o baltimore-dot-com .../ and... clicking on... town halll.. in... our... hot topics section...//.
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you... can.... gg there ánowá.../ to... watch... ápastá... own hall meetings.../ on taxes .../ and....the... "maryland dream act". the... baltimore oriiles.../ cooing... loss ...last night../. trying... to... tie the seriis..../on... anothee... cold..., rainy night aa camden yards...///. for... the... seeond... consecutive night.../, the.... gamm was delayed... due to rain....// but... o's ans &p...aren't letting... last night's loss / - or... the weather - . put... a damper... on átheirá... excitement..../many... say... the oriiles... can ástilláá.. win... this they'll ...have to beat he leaat... átwicee... on the &proad. < "last night was great all the way up to the ninth something special about this team. when youuthinn they'rr supposed to lose, they win. and when you think they're pupposed to winn sometimee - like ast night, theyylostt">< "well i'm not prepared to win to be honest with you"> &phere's... our
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question of the day.../ .despite last nnggt's can boonce back and beat the yankeesii the amerrcan league diiision series? seriess this is our facebook page... nearry eveeyone is backing the o's tonight...join tte discussion by gging to faceeooo dot com slash fox- baltimore a... suburban... cul- de- sac... that... see off... cul- de- sac... that... see off... & finally... een enamed...///. paul geesler... is...streaming live ... in... howard counny.../, county.../, about... a... street... ásupposedlyá... painting...// that... offends... many.../ many.../ you won't find 'april wind &pcourt' onnany maps....not yet attleass.its old name still shows up, a name many would rather soon forget. forget. 3(nats: car driving)for decades, he streets in the columbia have been connected. paintings of andrew wyeth..." -
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the ssreet names are all named after artwork...all, exxepp richardson, howard county: "i assumed 'raccoon,' bbt obviously it's an eeplitive for the african-american ccmmunitt."rrsalie consiglio, aprillwind court: "i got a really goodddeal on the house the name."rosalii coosiglio f and the five otherrhomeowners on the street all agreeddit was timm tt change the name. rosalie consiglio, april wind court: "it's embarassing when i have to--somebody asks me my address, and i have to tell them, 'my address has aaracial slur in it.' "'coon' has been used nearly 200 yeaas as a ameriians.ammrose lane: "we an-3 have come here today to right the rong, to correct the years of phone calls, leeters and emaals--(nats: unneiling) the name officially changed to 'april wind court'.rosalie "i think this was jjst a spelling error and i'm happyy this has finally been &pcorrectee."ken ulman, howard countt executive: ""his is not just a change on a sign, it speaks to our values."the county waived the fees for the name chaagee.alvin ball, howard county cooncil 2nd that are not only named after literary or artistic leggnds,, but also embody our values.
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coon hunt court doesn't reflect either."ken ulmmn, howard county executive: "look, this change has been decades in the making--shouldd have never been named this in the first place.. the old sign forr'coon hunt &pstolee several times n - ttroughoot the years, including just last week. leaders hope this also puts an pessler, fox45 news at ten. 3 in my heart, i know i did not do these alleged disgusting act. acts. next on fox45 news atttenjerry sandusky... speaking from jailwhy e sayss he's innocent... 33 ...but next...why many more doctors...apppar to be voting foo mitt romney this time around...after the break
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kw@ in...
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columbia...//.the... gourmet.... storee.. mills....///but .. there's... to... block that rojectt../ and... some claim... it's... bbing... secretly funded... by... competing builders... builders... mills...has been closed for - year.but there are small siins of things to come.zoning for new wegmans...has been approved... by he county council. bbt a coalition of activists...say a prominnnt behind a petition drive tooveeturn zooing for that rrject. they companydavid s. brown ho's - developingthe sits...just blocks from that prooosedwegmens...and is piewed as a potential competitor.activists claim developer david ordish...who is tryynn to blockanother
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project...this one... in middle river. (levy) "so the &ptwooof them are just these sppiled brats, these school yard bullies that are trying "is the ommunity goinggto be developers are going to be in control." (rydell) "commmnity county executive kevin wwth - kamenetz for not yet taking a public stand against thaa petiiton drive which, if suucessful, would delay prooosed construction of that wegmans hhre aa he old solo cuppplant for at least two years."and community leaders...say that would be a huge revitilizing to expand their business, hire happening."they havv a simple messaae to hose.../who are are approached by someone...askingthem to sign a pptition. (levy) don't sign it, you're doing damage when you ignnthaa and you ould be doing damage to your own &pneeghborhood."in owings mills...john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. we... contacted... both develooerr.../ to... get tteir
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reaction... to this story../. but... have... not... heard back.... from... either onee formerr... penn ssate &pcoach... jerry sanduskk.../ released... his... 1-st statement sentencing. freá... his -.. - sandusky... denies... all accuuations... made been convicted... on... 45 counts ...of... sexualll abusing... 10 boys ...over 155years..../ sandusky... says... he... was not given ...a.. faai opportunity... to prrpare... for trral....//é and... will fight for a new one. in my heart, i know i did not do these allegedddisgusting marriage.//butt to//before yoo blame me, as otherr have, look at everything and everybody. looo at theepreparatton for compare it to others. /butt chance and now we'll ask for - one.//butt too/ i ask for thh ssrengtt to handle everything and willingness to surrender &poutcome." prosecutors .... say... &p up... to... 6... of...
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sandusky's victims... will speak... at... tomorrows heerinn....//he a... terrifying scene....oo... i-95. &p a... b-m--... was found ...dangling... off the interstate ... near... the... car... was on - ... a... "roll--bbck"... &p...caused it... to... slide off...//. att.. least ...3 vehicles... were involved...// crews... to... try to... place the - car... ack on the roaa. "i believe ffom what i heard an 18-wheeler crashed iito a tow truck and it skid along ppss the bridge the car did and it ended up probably like 50-feet back just hanging from " there."no one... was iiside... the car at the time...///. he ramp... on... i-95 has since reopened. one... roup of voters.... is... in... mitttromney's pocket,...//// &paacordiig ... to...'jackson and coker' / - a... healtt care ...staffing company --/ 55... percent of... doctors... will... vote for... romney...// kathleen cairns... tells us why... doctors... appear to be... ádefectingá... from... the... camp. [ntsnd opeeating rrom]trt=:02 if world-renownnd eurosurgeon ben carson senior had been
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callee on eerly to heal health care -- carron confidently believes he could hhve saved first repealing it.[ben carson &psr. ]sot in 6:46:39 "i don't say the president and his to involve peoppe who actually perform in the health care arena."trt=:18 accordingtto carson ore doctors will decline medicare patients and that only scratches the surface of discontent amonn doctors.[sot carson ]in 6:48:53 ""ts thh kind of thing that haapens hen you put government in charge of everything."trr=:05[graphic "doctorsa" ] according to the jackson and coker survey - -of phe 36oo hundred doctoos weighing in romney has a pignificcnt edde over the to 36 percent.[sot vincent demarco]sot in 8:55:11 "in 30 years people are going to say &phow could anyone challenge th
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affordable careeact."trt==04 vincenntdemarco is presiient of a large health care pnitiative. demarco is a strong backer of reform to health care for all and eventually looer costs. [[emarco ]in 45:39 "right heaath care, doosn't have it, gets sick, goes to the hospital runs up huge ills, the hospital has to treat them ann they can't paa. who pays? not view health care reform morr differeetly thaa demarco [carson]in 6::9:00 "what we need to be doiig is creeting an atmosphere, in which, free market roceeses can drive businnss, can drive excellence, can drive access." trt==133arson is now among the 55 percent of physicians who see more damage than good coming to america's health care system under obamcare.i'm kathleen airns reporting find oot why n---c... oesn't want the obama campaign to air our ddt com...clicc on vote 2012
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in the hot topics sectioo at the top of the screen 3 3 33- 3 3 -3 3 3
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3 a wedding party punch...the terribleething that happened to one bride... ...and hoo thii fight spiraled out of control...llter on fox45 neww at ten ddmocrats at ttmes, i vote for republicans at times." independent voters...what they our cover story... after the barnhill: you hear a lot of talk about question seven...
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so let me tell you what i know: if question seven passes, my company's going to... bring table games, like blackjack and poker... right here to baltimore. a twenty-five million dollar investment... that'll create five hundred new jobs. all right here.
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today, marylanders are spending $500 million gaming... in other states. let's keep it here. i'm chad barnhill, and we're ready to build right here. we're ready, and it's real. and all that has to happen... is question seven. oh, please don't call me "pumpkin." no, that's white chocolate and pumpkin. oh. pumpkin. ha ha! you've never tasted pumpkin like this. try new pumpkin white chocolate or pumpkin mocha coffees and lattes today. witt ... just...
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four weeks... until... election day../. p prrsident... romney.../ are... going all outt..//// for... vooers...// including... in.... tonight's... cover story.../ john rydell... examines... the role... of.. those... who.../ independent"...nt"....- the president offthe united states to be attacking his opponnnt."for most of his life....clarence itchell the fourth...was a loyaa democrat. ((laughs)) "that's funny, grandfather...was civil rights activist...clarence mitchell, junior. but ten years ago...thii former state senator...deelared...he was done...with the democrats. "because they're hypocrits." "the democratic party." (mitchell) "proclaims to be particularly for the poor and african-americans. if that's &ptte cass, maryland is thee pealthiest state innthe baltimore city is the one of ccuntryy majority africcn- american, run by democrats. what's wrong witt that picture?"(then why not register as a republican?)
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because the republican party is not much better either. that's why i'm not a republican."((nats))rob sobhani...waa... a republican...years ago.but he...too... has defected.he's noo runniig for u.s. (sobhanii "it's shameful that republicans aad democrats put their party above their country and that's wrrng.""the two parties, a lot of ideas, so they blame each other." you've robably seen alreaay spent more than four million dollars ...of his own money.and he's trying to catpure the attention...not only of disgguntled...demo craassand republicans. in are also...more than584-thousand voters...who have "un-affiliated". (sobhani) "because that tells me that there's that many number of people in maryland whoohave lost hope.""nats-perott 20-years ago in annapplis...ross perott.. thought...he coulddshake-up the status an pndeppndent candidate forr president...he railed... against bii government.
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(pprot) "we're supposed to have a government tat comes from us, we're tired of having a governmenttthat we pay for that comes as us (applause)" popular vote that year...but his "reform party"...would never evolve...into a vvable ralph ader...faileddin numerros bids for the white house...both as an independent...and the green party candidate. with america's twoopartt dominance...political pundits...say the deekk s still heavily stacked....against...moss otters.(kromer) "all these barriers to entry in terms of money, how much it cost to actually become aaviable &pcandidate are what's really being a ajor player."(rydell)) "if you haaen't registered to vvte,,you can still do between now and octobee 16th, but if you choose to egister not as then you forfeit your right to vote in the primary."(krommr) ""t's almost backlash against don'ttwant to identify with - parties that you see or the reason for the ills of what's going on today is becauss of the wo parries."but mileah science professor at goucher college....says independent voters...areestill sending a message.(kromer) "what they hope is or a third party candidate or an indeeendent their ideas out there, that hopefully their ideas will be
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aaopted by oneeof the major "i vote for democratt at times, i vote for republicans at timms..and accorring to "c-4"...that shoull be thh princippe...of any independent. john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. more... than... 37-thousand marylanders... are... registered.... with the... green... libertarian.../ or... other parties. 3 next on fox45 news at this wedding &pparty fight... spiraled out o control... and the extreme measurrs them ready...for lifeeii the wild...after tte break
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breaking news out of north baltimore.police are on the duubarton avenue near willby in the nnck around 9930 shot tonight. no wwrd on hii ccndition,,but homicidd detectives are investigating. one... peesoo is dead./..after ... a... huge fighh... breekssout a philadelphia hotel./.and... on tape. it's all caught 3 tape.nats of fight! fight!a 11-year-old caputured it n his cell
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hotelltte fight started oy of 3 between two wedding parties. pollce say an argument started escalted.when it wassall over .. a bride was punched.. and hee 57-year old uncle dded of a heart attack... hours after the brawll brawl. schultz says: "it startee getting lluder and it didn't sound like they were having and watch.". i better go out - watch." three people cited for crimes.police believe alcohol could be a factor. p-c... metro riders... signs... that are ...stirring up controversy. controverrsystarting today,.../ "anti- jihad"... signs... will be posted several ...metro stops....//they.... p read .../ " in any war... between the civilized man... and... the support ... the... &pcivilized man..../ support... israel.../ . ddfeat jihad." after... being... taken to court ....y... metro officials... the group... behind the ads .../ the pooters ....//ann... residents... support the freedom of speech../.. bbt...
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disagree with the.. message. merceron ssay: "i thinkktheyy should be allowed tt say it, but it'ssirresponsible." ikpeze says: "i beliive that &peven though the possers are going up in the dc area, people around the world will know bout them, and wonder why we let peeple say these there is free speecc. i think there's going to be drama." drama." metro officials... were worried about the ads ... the... man ...jjiled... in connection... with... the disappearance... of... natalee hollooay .../ is.... goiig... to beea dad. joran ... van-der-sloot... is... locked up... on... a... 288yeer sentence .../ afterr.. holloway... went missing... in ruba ... in... 20-00...//. van--er-sloot .. was... also convicted... of... killing... a... 21-year-old... in peru ... ii... 20-10.../. but... he ...told a dutch newspaper ... that... his preggant. ...// the... p prison... does ...allow... van-der-sloot... to... have... ponjugal ...visits... once... or twice a month...//. girlfriend... thru... another innate. marylanders...
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are... getting ...a...break at the pump pump the... average cost ...of a gallon of gas in was... 3370 today../.a... penny... less than ...last week../....and... &p down ...7 cents... prom ast mooth..../lasttyear, .../ we... paid... 3--32... for a &pgallon of gas p...ut... gas... prices in california../. are... draining the wallets of drivers..../adam housley... tells us... why... gas prices there... / seem... to be... oot of 3 from san francisco to san diego, edding to redondo, californians are cringing at the pump. mos says, "it's ffustrating. it really is frustrating." in many cases "frustrating" is the nicest word drivers in the golden state are using hen reacttng to gasoline prices that have spiked in thee neighborhood of fifty-twoo cents, in just the last week. mos sayss "i think the prices areeridiculous. mos sayy, "people working, they need a break. it's too high. it's way too high.""os says, says, "i
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try not to drive unless i really have to."mos saas, "ten dolllrs in gas doesn't even giveeme a quarter of a tank if i need to put in just ten dollars in gas, so it's eally out of contrrl. i mean its almost five buckssa gallon." the official average of california gas is around four- gallon, the highest on record, with many stations already above five-bucks for reeular unleaded. industry experts blame the incceased cost on alloo for gas imported across ptate lines, and refinery outages which have led to decreased supply. the gas scrambling with just four weeks until election day. governor brown has already changed california gas requiremenns to the less stringent winter standard, to help increase supply. senator dianne feinssein is calling for a federal investigation, saying the meantime, president obama is here raising money across the state, nearly four- and---half years after declaring hh would work to solve the energy crisis oncee and for all. the high prices here are xpecced to stay in thissrrnge for the next week to ten days and evee when they do come down, they
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will still be significantly pear. across the state there of gas heft, with pumps eing disabled after hours and from unlocked cars. in los angeles, adam housley, fox news. trainers ... in... china.../ go ... to ...great ppepare... a ...panda... take... a look...// panda ... trainers... costume... tt... catch... a... 4-year-old panda... that's... reserve....//. the... workerr... even feces... on... heirr clothing... to mask ...their human scent..../// going to get... his final physical exam.../ before ... he's released into the wild .../// 3 3
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3 3 3&p fall is he
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and leaves areefalling.. find out which leaf blower saves you the most workk and monee in our consumer repprt. digital data for ransom. ng computer a÷
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anncr: more anti-maryland ads. from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law... question seven means millions for maryland schools. guaranteed.
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catch the great taste of pumpkin before it's gone. hurry into dunkin' donuts and grab a pumpkin muffin or donut today. america runs on dunkin'. tte... feds... new attempt is... reating... a stir... among parents...//. under... new guiddlines... from the
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school lunchee... nnw double ...the servings... of... fruits and veggies.../ but... limii proteins and carbs...//.thee.. ....students are eating... no more than... 850 calories...///.but... ssme parentsssay ...the smaller luncc... is... leaving pheir kids hungry...///. pccording... to... recent numbers.../ children... in the u-s....are connidered overweight or obese. docttrs... variaat... that decreaaes .... person's risk... of ggtting llng cancer. scientisst... looked at... more than... 14-- -hundred gene variants ... in... nearly... 400---lung ccncer... patients....///they... found a variant one gene... was associated... with reducing.../ from... 21;.;.. to... 41... percenn....//a... protein... partially produced this gene... is known play an important role... inn inflammation ...// by... regulating cell life and eath. 3 it's... a... digital form... of kidnappiig --/ held... for... ransom by hackers.../ using... a... new scam.... known as ... "ransom-ware." ...///in ... tonightss.. word oo the web,.../ carrie ppirce...
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explains... how it's happening. 3&with dozens of complaints eac day..... ransomware has become so pervasive... the fbi has put out a wwrning.... 3 steve merrrfield is just one of the victims.... after 27 years in business, he wass preparing to sell his sporting realiied all hhs computer data was frozen... including "the last words i remember is this is not ggod. this is not good." it turned out hackerss machine and flassed a message. for 3000 dollars, merrifield coold have his data back..but it didn't stop here. he'd additional thousand doolars for each week he didn'tt comply. he'd been hit with ransomware. i can say it's appropriately named. you feel &pvictimized you feel helplees. p//bbtt to///it's one of the more destructive pieces of malwarr because they'll encrypt those files and if you them.. the hackers use such it's virtually impossible to
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recover your data. and the messagee often look like they're from the government accusing users of things likee phild pornography."it preysson theii fear." "in retrospect the amounttof grief been well worth the ransom, e - buu that waan't the approach we took." 3 experts say most ransomware hackerssare operating overseas, so tracking them down is nearly impossbile. im carrie peirce and ttats your word on he web. 3 game oneeended in a disappointing 9th inning &pcollapse for he o's...find &pput how tte birds are doing i game in sports 3 fall leaves crowding your yard. find out what leaf blower doessthe job and saves you money at the samm time. i'm candace dold with your
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traffic edge report.crews wiil be busy on 83 in baltimore inspecting a bride onnthe corridor at ddwnes lane will be blocked from 9am until 2pm.crews will alss be near mt carmel road.reduce 3 - your speeds in the area from could stick with york roaddinstead. instead. i will hhae up to the minute traffic conditions for youu starttng t ox45 mmrning news ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything.
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earning 1% cash back wooohooo....hahaahahaha! oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico.
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fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. a very tense night at camden the yankees in divisional series, the orioles &pwere trying to avoid goingbac to new york down two games to none in the series..and it's been a tight one thus far... far...orioles lead 3-1 in the 6th...chris davis hadda 2-run sinnge....wei-yin chen lookk great...6 unearred run... nationals in st. louis for game 2 of the nlds...nats took game one....jorddn zimmermann with a rough outting....bottom of the 3rd...allee craig &phammers it to left...solo shot...zimmermann gives up 5 runs in 3 lead p-1....toppof the 6th...danny &pleft center...john jay races to the wall...maaes the atch ps he crashes into the the cardinals center fielder... everything going righh for st. lluis today....bottoo of the
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&p8th...carlos beltran already with one home run...nuumer 2... cardinals pound the nationals to even the series...12-4... wednesday... &pit's now time to announce the candidates in our high school gameeof the week contest... prought to you by varsity sports network ddt can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of.... byygoing to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking onnhigh school game of the week... week... here's this weee's ssate of games for friday october 12th...spalding at notre dame prep in volleyball...broadneck visits arunedl in football... st. paul's hosts john carrool in football...and marriots ridge travels to river hilllin girls soccer...we'll announce kansas city's right tackle t...- goes off on his own fans after yesterday's game aaainst the ravens...coming up at 11-30 on the late edition... 3 a... recall tonnght.../ affecting ...270-thousand... ve. &'s... recalling... c-r-v croosovers ...from model years
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fire rrsk.../.the company ...says... there's... an... electriial swwtch in the driver's- side- door... that can overheat... and short circuit... if... aay rrin... or othhr piquids... get... thru... the window..../honda says... ssart... / even....if the vehicle is turned áoffá...//..our fires... have been reported.../ o injuries.../. honda... will...n contact... owners next month ... for free. some new probllms appear to be bugging the new iphone iphonefirst...the camera. pictures taken facing a light source appear to have a purpll "flare" in says this is normal... and to change the composition of your picture...but this problems doosn't seem to appear on older iphones....and, the screen appears to flicker on some phones then the keyboard comment from apple yet on that one. theee... could be ...a shortage of the... i-ppone reporting that workers china... where the popular gadget made... are striking.....the strike... reeortedly... paralyzed productionnlines.../.
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apple's... not fall... is... here, .../ and... - falliig... leaves..../ but... haae fear. ...// consumer... rrports.../ and... - can... ttll youu... which... savvs you ...the post work .../ and... money..../ patrice... sanders... has the results. results. (((at on cam))tired of raking leaves? eeperts at consumer reports found the best leaf blowers let you sweep ttem away with eaae. (natsot: bbowing) testssof 22 blowers show the best choices put power before pizzazz.don't be fooled by this infomercial for the "worx tri-vac w-g 500." it looks like this pluggin electric blower has what it takes to keep a smaller piece of property well aaicured. (sot: infomercial)"the worx tri-vac is a superior blower, a powerful outdoor vac, and a heavy-duty mulcher, all in one tool."" (sot)"weel, it
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certainly is a great concept. but our tessing showeddthat it does none of ttem well." instead, ccnsider this plug-in toro ultra blower, model 51599. buy for 70 dollars. ittwas ted 3 very good attsweeping and extremely easy to use. ffr added mobiiity, gas-powered blowers pack power without the consuuer reports recommends this "stihl -- mooel b-g 55," for 110 dollars. it combines immressive leaf blowing and large piece of property, a backpack blower makes the job much eaaier.(natsot: backpack blower)((ot: peter sawchuk)"it ps more expensive, but you'll wwrth the money." this craftsman, model 79401 is a relatively low-priced backpack blowerrfor 250 dollars. and it's a solid performer.((pat)) consummr reports says if you're thinking about getting a backpack blower, consider spending a little more for tte husqqarna, model 150 b-t.
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while it's more expensive at 300 dollars, it deeivvrs a lot mmre oomph and is quieter, too. patriie sanders fox45 news at en. &p a life changinggcondition won't stop twoobrotherss rom overcoming the odds. the achieving. hey are facing and - ...and coming up in ust 5 minutes on the late edition... edition....halloween outragee.. why one mask is causiig alot of anger. and a really dumb cciminal. the amazingly stupid thing one guy did thaa got him prrested. trans fat free.. all natural.
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the other healthy food labels thht aren't as healthy as they seem... tomorrow on fox45 morning news.
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from atlanta ... give.../ new meaning the idea... of... team work. 27-year-old... kyle &ppease... ssufers from cereera palsy.../ .but... he... doesn't... let that... get... in the way... of... his athletic ambitions...//..after... a... lifetime of wheelchair- kyle... wanted try out running.../ so... he turned... to his brother... brent hell...//. he... two and their dad.... figured out ... how to adapt ...each event ... for their... unique team... eefort....// kyle sayss.. remaininggpositiie is his key. &p"just keep a positive attitud and youull have a gift. and we have to open up that gift and share it with others." others."kyle has competed


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